Wednesday 16 March 2011

sowing surplus salad seeds

It has been a productive day on the farm today, after morning prayers…

I filled & covered the right half of the compost bin with the contents of last year’s plant pots and window boxes ready for re-planting

I emptied THREE WHEELBARROWS FULL (120L I reckon) of 18-month-old-home-made-compost from the left half of the compost bin ready for re-filling

I sowed last year’s surplus salad-leaf seeds under a spontaneously-scrap-built ‘polytunnel’; old wire fencing covered in the ripped remnants of the trampoline netting

I had a picnic lunch with Pixie al fresco

I had my hair cut by Rebekah…

… who rewired the light fitting in the hallway so that it holds three light-bulbs instead of one

made some chai syrup

And had a French lesson

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