Saturday 12 March 2011

The Temptation of the Parsnip

So, day 1 of our Lent Challenge was indeed a challenge.
The French don't really do parsnips, at least not the way the Brits do, so it is not often you'd find them for sale and, if you do, the quality tends to be quite poor. In the 18 months that we have lived here, we have never seen them in our local store. And as our own supply from the patch ran out a while ago, we've started to get a few cravings, especially for our favourite Spicy Parnsip Soup by Sarah Raven.

So I think you'll understand my dilema on Wednesday, as I was standing in the vegetable aisle of our local supermarket, staring heartbroken into a panier of fresh fat parsnips...Origine: Grande Bretagne! Oh the irony!

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