Tuesday 5 April 2011

Cheese and Onion Tart

Serves 6 for a light lunch

4 onions, roughly chopped
50g butter
1 x puff pastry case
120g semi soft cheese (I use Chausee Aux Moines in France)
handful of fresh Thyme/Lemon thyme

Fresh, dressed, green salad to serve

Put the onions in a shallow pan with butter and leave on med-low heat till soft.
Set oven to 220C. Roll out pastry onto floured baking sheet. Score a border from the edge (2cm) then prick all over with a fork. Spread onions over pastry within the border. Brush border with onion butter.
Slice the cheese then break/cut into smaller pieces and scatter them over the onions. Scatter the thyme over the top and bake until pastry is golden and puffed, cheese is bubbling and onions have started browning. 15-20 mins.

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