Tuesday 5 April 2011

Courgette and Lemon Salad

A great Sarah Raven recipe in those summer months when you are overwhelmed with courgette from the patch!

Serves 6-8

3-4 courgettes
grated zest of 1 lemon, and juice of half
grated zest of 1 lime, and juice of half
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp chopped tarragon
1 tsp runny honey
salt and black pepper

Cut the courgettes very thinly lengthways with a potato peeler and put the slices in a shallow dish. Grate over the zest of the lemon and lime.
Make a dressing by mixing together the olive oil, lime and lemon juice, tarragon, honey, salt and pepper.
Pour the dressing over the courgettes and toss gently. Toss with your finger tips, twisting your wrists at the same time so the courgette ribbons stand in curls rather than just flat on the platter.

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